Coming Events:
Horizon Newsletter March 2025
March 2025
Note from Activities
Spring is on the way!!! March is here and we are going to have a lot of great things on the calendar for the bodies, minds, and souls of our seniors. March starts us off with Mardi Gras, moves onto St. Patrick’s Day and then we head towards Easter. So many great things to celebrate. We are going to take a trip to see Maple Syrup Tapping at Southeastway Park. There will be a very informative talk about what all goes into making Maple Syrup. After the tour we are headed to Rustic Root Tea Room for lunch and a warm cup of tea. Then to sum up the day we are going to a new place called Popcorn World. They are excited to have us visit and sample some of their signature flavors. Music and a Meal is going to be exciting with the Raccoon Lake Sax Quartet. Come listen to some great music and then enjoy a nice helping for Chicken and Noodles for dinner. These are just a few of all of the fun things that we have planned for March.
Come on out and be a part of our Committee Meeting. We will gather on March 10th to discuss all of the great things that we want to do in 2025. Suggestions and ideas are discussed and we can get new things on the calendar based on your feedback.
The Indianapolis Opera is coming to Shelbyville! Save the Date – April 9th at 1:00 p.m. We cordially invite you to the new Wortman Family Civic Theatre located at 1416 Miller Avenue, Shelbyville, IN 46176. The performance is FREE of charge and is open to anyone in Shelby County – especially seniors. The performance is funded with grants from the Blue River Community Foundation. Come check out the new facility and enjoy the opera. You are not going to want to miss this!
All activity items that are paid programs for 2025 will be non-refundable. You can’t sell your spot to someone else. We will offer the spot to the next person at the program’s cost. We have to do this because of the time and effort it takes to continually re-book those limited spots. Activities are filling up quickly – which is great – but people also tend to cancel often and it causes confusion for everyone. Please be mindful before you reserve your spot. Thank you in advance.
Review all of the activities and please check out the newsletter Activity Calendar. Sign up for some of our fun programs. We have an amazing calendar that is full of things to do. You can also keep up to date on programming via the Shelby Senior Services Facebook Page and our website at If you have a question about a program please call us at the center at (317) 398-0127.
Crystalá Evans, ADC
Shelbyville Activity Coordinator
Activity Highlights
Please sign up as some activities have limited space. When there is a cost for an activity please pay at the Front Desk or call 317-398-0127 to sign-up over the phone via a credit card. * denotes that you MUST sign up at the Front Desk prior to the event date
*Taking Appointments for – Tell Your Story – Make Your Mark We are going to be continuing our Oral History recordings and we want to hear your story. We are interviewing all seniors over the age of 60. This is a great way to tell your story and we will archive it as a part of the History of Shelbyville. During your lifetime you have seen many great things, accomplished great achievements, and overcome many obstacles. Please contact Crystala Evans at 317-398-0127 to reserve a slot to tell your story. Crystala can schedule you for your recording at your convenience. We would love to have you become a part of history!
*Mondays in March by appointment– Tech Savvy Seniors – By Appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We will be taking appointments for you to learn your technology with one-on-one, 30-minute sessions. Make your appointment, tell us what you want to learn on your device, and bring your technology fully charged and ready to work on during your session.
*Tuesdays in March at 9:00 a.m. Caffeinated and Connected Sessions We are going to be teaching Tablet How-To classes during our Caffeinated and Connected Series. Please come and join the fun as we enjoy a fun Coffee Bar, eat donuts, and cover a different Technology Topic for each week. The more the merrier! This will be a great way to get more comfortable using technology.
Monday, March 3rd and 31st at 1:30 p.m. Chair Volleyball That’s right – we are playing Chair Volleyball and this is going to be a fun-filled activity. It is also Produce Pick-up Day – so come play Chair Volleyball and then take home your produce.
*Tuesday, March 4th and 25th – Mobile Nails By A′del – By Appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We are going to continue offering 30-minute Senior Polish Sessions in March with Mobile Nails By A′del Moore. Manicures only for natural nails. No Pedicures or Acrylic Nails during these sessions. There is no cost, but donations are greatly appreciated.
*Thursday, March 6th at 9:00 a.m. Coffee with The Mayor Scott Furgeson will be here to enjoy a cup of coffee and chat. He wants to hear from our 60 and over senior community. This is a great chance to have an open forum discussion with the Mayor directly.
*Thursday, March 6th at 1:00 p.m. Coffee and Canvas Cost $25 We will be doing a canvas class with Mindy Martin. Feel free to bring your own brushes, or we will have some available. Cost is $25 and we are limited to 10 participants. Please sign-up.
Friday, March 7th at 8:30 a.m. Pop-Up Shop with Julie Rogers We are going to have a Pop-Up Shop and this month it is going to be filled with great gift items that are made with love by Julie Rogers. If you have a small business with handmade creations – please call Crystala Evans, Activity Coordinator to be part of our next Pop-Up Shop!
Friday, March 7th at 9:00 a.m. – Fun Friday – Highland Plaid Day We are going to celebrate this Fun Friday by wearing our best plaid. We are celebrating the March month starting off with Highland Plaid. You can wear a plaid hat, scarf, pants, etc. Let me see what kind of fun plaid that you can come up with. Prize table sponsored by McKay Manor.
Monday, March 10th at 1:00 p.m. Committee Meeting We are hoping to be able to discuss what kinds of trips to take, music you like, and programs that you want to see. This meeting is open to everyone and we hope to see you there. If you are not able to make this meeting we do have a suggestion box located in the Horizon Center.
*Wednesday, March 12th at 11:30 a.m. Lunch and Learn – Eating Healthy On a Budget COST $5 Join us for March’s Lunch and Learn to enjoy a delicious lunch. We will discuss tips and tricks to Eating Healthy on a Budget. Come check it out. You must R.S.V.P. at the front desk by March 10th. The cost is $5 and there is room for 20 people.
*Thursday, March 13th bus departs at 9:30 a.m. Day Trip – Maple Syrup Tapping, Tea and Popcorn COST $6 Day Trip to Southeastway Park to learn about Maple Syrup Tapping. This trip starts outdoors and we want you to dress for the weather. Wear shoes that can get muddy. Then we are going to the Rustic Root Tea Room for lunch. Ending our day with a trip to Popcorn World where we will sample popcorn and learn about how it is prepared. Cost is $6 and covers the Syrup tour. Lunch and popcorn is at your expense. Room for 14 people. Reserve your spot today.
Thursday, March 13th at 1:00 p.m. Book Club at the Horizon Center in the Meeting Room with Pam Weakley from the library. This month we will be discussing “The Pursuit of Happyness” by Chris Gardner. Everyone is to meet in the SSS Room. All center members are welcome.
Thursday – March 13th at 2:00 p.m. – Movie Matinee “The Pursuit of Happyness” and Popcorn We are going to be showing “The Pursuit of Happyness” with Will Smith. Come and enjoy a movie and some popcorn while watching a fun movie. The movie is 1 hour and 57 minutes long.
Friday, March 14th at 9:00 a.m. Fun Friday St. Patrick’s Day and March Birthdays Wear your green for St. Patrick’s Day. Our prize table sponsor is Ashford Place. Birthday cupcakes sponsored by Lois Thomas. Come play Bingo, win prizes, have cupcakes, and celebrate with the March birthday gang.
*Monday, March 17th at 1:00 p.m. –St. Patrick’s Day Dance and Karaoke with DJ Moxy We will be having a St. Patrick’s Day Party with DJ Moxy. Join us for music, dance, singing, and friendship. Bring a light refreshment to share. Put on those dancing shoes, practice your favorite song, and come on out for an afternoon of fun. We will have a few games to play as well.
*Thursday, March 20th at 1:00 p.m. Medicare 101 with Robert Moore Robert Moore will be here to discuss Medicare 101. He is a representative of Defender Financial Group and he has a wealth of knowledge. He would love to discuss the basics of Medicare and the way the plans work.
*Thursday, March 20th at 3:00 p.m. Music and a Meal with Raccoon Lake Sax Quartet COST $7 We will have entertainment with Raccoon Lake Sax Quartet at 3:00 p.m. Then we are going to have a meal from Your Way Catering at 4:00. We are going to have chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls with butter and brownies for dessert. Cost is $7 and we are limited to 50 people.
Friday, March 21st at 9:00 a.m. Fun Friday – Trisomy 21 – World Down Syndrome Day Today we are raising awareness for those with Down Syndrome. It is also known as Trisomy 21. Join us by wearing your blue and yellow. We will be wearing our “Sam’s Squad” shirts in the office. March 21,2025 marks World Down Syndrome Day and we are excited to support all of the beautiful people who make our days brighter. Our Bingo prize table is going to be sponsored by Morristown Manor and Cypress Run. Come join the fun. A big “thank you” to Morristown Manor for their support of our activities. We appreciate you!
*Monday, March 24th at 1:00 p.m. Kitchen Fun with Barbara McFarland We are going to make a Tuscan Bean Soup. Come watch Barb prepare this delicious soup and then have some samples.
*Monday, March 24th at 2:00 p.m. Pre-Planning Appointments with Freeman Family Funeral Homes After our cooking session we are going to have open appointments for you to schedule a pre-planning appointment from 2:00 to 4:00. Each appointment can be 30 minutes to 1 hour long. Schedule your appointment at the front desk. Barbara will be here to help you start the pre-planning process and get the ball rolling.
*Thursday, March 27th at 1:00 p.m. Crafts with Erica from Millers Merry Manor We are going to be doing some fun crafts with Erica. There is no cost for the craft session. Come try your hand at something new.
Friday, March 28th at 9:00 a.m. Super Hero Day We are going to embrace our superpowers and celebrate Super Hero Day. You can put on a mask, wear a crown, or a cape. Our Bingo sponsor is Compass Park. We want to get ideas for our upcoming Super Hero themed Christmas tree for 2025.