December 2024
My self and the staff at Shelby Senior Services would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas! What a wonderful time of year. I love this time of year because of all the pretty lights and the feeling of family and friends all around. When I think about this time of year, I remember my Christmas’s with my grandparents and my family and all of the family traditions. It makes me think about singing Christmas carols at my great aunt’s home on Christmas Eve and my great grandmother being the only one that could recall the words to “O’ Christmas Tree” and she was singing when the other one hundred of my family could sing those words. This is so amazing to me and stuck in my memory because the rest of the time due to Alzheimer Disease she couldn’t recall even her children’s names. I am very fortunate to have wonderful memories and wonderful family to be around this time of year. It is a blessed time of year.
It is the time of year that Shelby Senior Services and all of the seniors receive so many blessings. We celebrate so much during this time such as the Twinkle Tour on December 3 where seniors get on bus and go to see the lights and have dinner and maybe a few carols will be sung. Then we have the Christmas Party on December 3 where the seniors can come and enjoy a great chicken and noodle dinner and all the fixing and entertainment. Along with these special activities, we will continue to have all the wonderful programs and special music that we are blessed to have throughout the year. We have so much to be thankful for with the many who donate to the food pantry, families that could use some family cheer, and the Horizon Center.
So from the staff at Shelby Senior Services please have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!